Hey :) I’m Jess. I run a London-based studio, specialising in experimental ceramics chemistry.

Over the last five years, I've created a growing library of 375 glazes and 65 clay bodies that demonstrate a wide spectrum of material types from Volcanic Terracotta to Self Forming Porcelain. 

Inspiration for my work is my ongoing research into the history and future of ceramic materials; how they influence our world and the way we live. This began during my graduate year at The Royal College of Art while writing my dissertation

“The Role of the Ceramicist in Space Travel”.

Since graduation, I've continued to exhibit my work with institutions such as Christie’s, Saatchi Art Gallery, and the RA.  as part of group exhibitions with world-renowned artists/designers. Alongside my practice, I work freelance as a technician and glaze chemistry teacher, and on occasion lecture and teach glaze chemistry at various educational establishments. 

How I’m working to make my practice sustainable…

As a ceramicist, I’ve become increasingly aware that the raw materials I use are non-renewable.

Some are becoming rarer and are mined in places around the world where unethical practices take place. Once my materials are fired to a high temperature, their changed state means they are no longer biodegradable.

By replacing primary raw materials with ‘waste’ products from various factories and potteries in London, reusing ‘seconds’ in mosaic/terrazzo projects, and keeping a strict recycling routine for my materials, my studio is becoming 100% waste-free.

I feel it is important to re-identify what is treated as waste, and in doing so how to establish these materials as valuable again.

Once a waste material has a use, it’s no longer waste.